Transforming Challenges into Digital Success

The PSAV Location Finder Story

roles & responsibilities: Web development, database refinement, project management

Outcomes: increased lead generation, improved customer satisfaction

In 2017, PSAV (now merged with Encore Global) operated thousands of offices in hotel venues, arenas, and conference centers. However, a glaring problem persisted: almost none of their locations were listed on Google Maps or even on their website. Enterprise clients often expressed frustration, saying, “I have a multi-city event; I just want to know where to find you,” or “I want to use you, but you’re not making it easy.”

The leadership had heard enough. Clients were demanding better visibility, but no one seemed to have a solution.

The Challenge: Consolidating Data

To address this, we needed a comprehensive, accessible tool listing all active locations, along with relevant details like address, contact numbers, hours of operation, and services offered. However, it wasn’t going to be straightforward. Marketing, especially digital marketing, was regarded skeptically by the company, and the mindset was that clients in the event planning industry relied on traditional methods like handshakes and phone calls.

Despite these obstacles, I was determined to change that perception.

The Plan: Gathering & Organizing Data

My first step was to gather all the data we had on office locations. I assumed our CRM system would have comprehensive information, but to my surprise, I found that multiple departments were each working on their own separate lists, none of which were complete. My initial inquiries were met with dead ends, sneers, and apologies. This only strengthened my resolve to succeed where others hadn’t.

For the next two to three months, I meticulously scoured the best datasets available, cleaned and merged them into a single, unified spreadsheet. I collaborated with our design team to wireframe a web-based location finder tool that would be intuitive and user-friendly.

We realized that due to the frequency of contracts being renegotiated annually, our content management system (CMS) needed to be accessible to both the field teams and the marketing department for efficient updates.

Execution: Launching Location Finder v1.0

The result was Location Finder v1.0, which launched on March 28, 2018, as scheduled. In the following weeks and months, it became one of the most heavily trafficked and utilized features on the website, both internally and externally. It proved invaluable as a resource for customers—a true goldmine in SEO.

Evolving to Meet New Demands

On May 12, 2018, we launched Location Finder v2.0, which introduced a localized contact form that created a new, trackable lead source. This channel connected customers directly to venue partners, supported by a newly formed customer support team. This team addressed the rising number of website inquiries.

In its first three months, Location Finder v2.0 drove leads that contributed to a remarkable 50% year-over-year increase in revenue in October.

Conclusion: The Impact

The success of the Location Finder tool demonstrated how digital innovation can transform business operations. It allowed PSAV to connect more effectively with customers, dismantling long-standing misconceptions about the digital behavior of event planners. Ultimately, it positioned PSAV as a leader in customer accessibility, resulting in stronger relationships and a more seamless customer experience.